Chief Executive, Edinburgh International Conference Centre
Marshall Dallas has enjoyed a long career in the leisure and hospitality sectors, beginning with an internship at Trusthouse Forte which saw him learn the trade at the Cavendish, Waldorf and Ken-sington Close hotels in London. Following a move into food and beverage management with Holi-day Inn, he helped win the group’s first Michelin star before moving to California to open a new port-folio hotel. Marshall returned from the States to take the post of food and beverage manager at Gleneagles, before stints at Queens Moat House then Macdonald Hotels, where he looked after the Roxburghe and Holyrood Hotels in Edinburgh.
Next up was an industry shift to director for Scotland at Nuffield Health and, in September 2014, Marshall took up his current post as Chief Executive of the Edinburgh International Conference Cen-tre (EICC). The EICC celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2015 and during that 20-year span the ven-ue has contributed in the region of £500 million to the local economy. 2015 was the EICC’s best ever year of trading, recording year on year sales growths of 30%. Marshall’s leadership has been characterised by democracy of leadership and a collaborative way of working with the venue’s many partners in Edinburgh, Scotland and further afield.
Marshall lives with his wife and two children in Stirlingshire, and makes good use of the local lochs of the Trossachs to indulge in one of his favourite pursuits, open water swimming.